Working Papers
What Matters for the Decision to Study Abroad? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Cape Verde, 2024 (forthcoming Journal of Development Economics)
with Cátia Batista, David Costa, Gonçalo Lima and Ana Balcão Reis
Understanding the private-public school performance gap in PISA: Evidence from Portugal, 2023 (forthcoming Large-scale Assessments in Education)
with Ricardo Colaço, Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis, 2024
The heterogeneous effects of teacher turnover on student achievement: Evidence from a centralized teacher allocation system, 2024 (submitted)
with Sofia Gomes and Luís Catela Nunes
with Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis, 2023
with Pedro Carneiro, Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis
with Luís Catela Nunes and Ana Balcão Reis
with David Costa, Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis
Regional Disparities in Socioeconomic-Based Achievement Measures, 2023
with Miguel Nunes, Pedro Carneiro, Luís Catela Nunes and Sara Cal
Sources of inequality in Portugal’s educational achievement, 2022
with Beatriz Casaca, Ricardo Colaço and Ana Balcão Reis
One Eye in the Land of the Blind: The Impact of peers on teacher scores, 2022
with Rodrigo Ferreira, Luís Catela Nunes and Ana Balcão Reis
The Impact of Commuting on Higher Education Students' Academic Performance, 2021
with Márcia Serra and Ana Balcão Reis
Work in Progress
Can the keyboard beat the good old pen? The effect of computer-based testing on students’ performance
with Ana Reis, Luís Catela Nunes and João Pereira dos Santos
What do teachers value in their labour contracts?
with Ricardo Colaço and Luís Catela Nunes
Mentoring Success of Immigrant College Students
with David Costa, Gonçalo Lima, Cátia Batista and Ana Balcão Reis
Raising Educational Aspirations
with Cátia Batista, Ana Balcão Reis, Wayne Sandholtz and José Tavares
Education and Labour Market Effects of Kindergarten Expansion in Portugal
with Susana Peralta, Rita Fonseca and António Melo
The educational impacts of a major school infrastructure programme: Causal evidence from Portugal
with Greta Schnaack, Susana Peralta and Nuno Gomes
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 2016
With Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis, Carmo Seabra and Adriana Ferro
Policy Reports
with Luís Catela Nunes and Ricardo Colaço
Teacher Turnover in Portuguese Public Schools: policy brief. Centro de Economia da Educação da Nova School of Business and Economics, 2022 (in Portuguese)
with Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis and Diogo Conceição
Policies to takle teacher shortages, 2022 (in Portuguese)
with Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis and Diogo Conceição
Online teaching and learning in Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic: Differences between public and private schools, 2022 (in Portuguese)
with Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis, Diogo Conceição and Gonçalo Lima
Teacher shortages forecast, 2021-2030, 2021 (in Portuguese)
with Luís Catela Nunes, Ana Balcão Reis, Miguel Nunes and José Mesquita
Learning Loss during the pandemic: a recovery proposal, 2021 (in Portuguese)
with Bruno de Carvalho, Miguel Herdade, Ana Balcão Reis and Susana Peralta.
Children in Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 (in Portuguese)
with Mariana Esteves, Pedro Freitas, Miguel Herdade and Susana Peralta.
Book/Book Chapters
Economia da Educaçao. Um olhar sobre o sistema de ensino português (Book in Portuguese)
Ensaios FFMS
Qual é o impacto da concentração regional de capital humano nos salários e no retorno do capital?, 2019 (Book Chapter in Portuguese)
O Crescimento Económico Português: Uma Visão sobre Questões Estruturais, Bloqueios e Reformas”, Banco de Portugal